By: Tracey Manailescu, WPIC Co-founder and Vice President
Small changes can make a huge difference in the way you think and feel. Below are some ways to be more efficient in your wedding business, therefore making you happier and mentally healthier.
Create realistic deadlines
Overextending yourself is not going to help anyone. Plan accordingly and don’t procrastinate.
Get rid of distractions
Turn off the ringer on your phone, set time for social media, and don’t get sucked into the Instagram rabbit hole while you are there.
Focus on one thing at a time
You will think more clearly and get tasks done quicker.
Change up your workspace
Rearrange the furniture and let the sunshine in! Make some small but useful purchases to make your day run smoother. Get a new keyboard, mouse, and mousepad for your computer. Upgrade your computer/laptop to run quicker. Purchase some new file folders. Change up your photos and frames around the office. Switch from a desktop calendar to an online one to free up space and declutter.
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra” ~Jimmy Johnson
Set achievable daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals
Create a physical list that you can look at and check off as you go. It feels so good to cross off tasks once they are complete. Take a good, hard look at what you want to accomplish in the upcoming year, and then get to it!
Become a better listener
Listening is a skill and can always be improved upon. Be fully present. Ask for clarification if you are unsure about something. Keep good eye contact (without being creepy) and be fully present with your posture and focus.
Take a break when you need to
Step away from your office for a bit. Go for a short walk or run, do some exercises, watch a show, read a book, call a friend, have a glass of wine, or whatever else makes you happy.
What are some suggestions that you have found useful? Please share in the comments below.
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