by Danielle Andrews Sunkel
It's easy to get caught up in the need to have every aspect of your wedding be perfect. Before you know it, the need for perfection can quickly turn in to a compulsion. The wedding is all you can think about, talk about and heaven forbid, if someone has an idea different than yours! You have become a Bridezilla!
If you've seen the movie "Bride Wars", you know how easy it is for things to get out of hand.
Before you alienate all your friends and maybe even your future hubby, take a deep breath, step back and follow a few of these tips:
Keep your perspective Yes your wedding is a very important day in your life, but it is only one day. Its time to focus on the covenant of marriage and the importance of the vows you are about to make, rather than the blow-out party you are planning to celebrate those vows.
They are your friends, not just your Bride's Maids After the flowers have wilted and the confetti has been swept away, you want your Bridesmaids to still be your friends. Try to get out with your friends for at least one Girls' Night a month where you talk about anything but the wedding!
Remember the one you love Keep nurturing your relationship with your fiance. Have wedding-free dates, so once you are married you will still have things in common!
Get Help! A bride's best friend is her Wedding Coordinator. Whether you hire a Coordinator for the year or just for the day, the Coordinator's job is to make sure everything goes perfectly. This is actually their profession, so they love, live and breathe weddings! They are the perfect person to get your wedding fix with.
Don't sweat the little things Something always goes wrong at every wedding. How you deal and react to a hiccup, will be what people remember, not the problem, so keep a grip on yourself.
great article! I am going to be a bridezilla for halloween;)
Lot’s of great advice there and I absolutely love your choice of photo’s.