By: Tracey Manailescu
Typically wedding season is at it’s best from May-October. All of the months meeting with clients and vendors prepping, organizing, and planning has come to this. Hopefully you are organized, and have kept client files to keep everything in order so that you can focus on the next steps. Depending on how many clients you, and your company, have taken on for the season can really make a difference in how the next several months are going to play out for you.
Some things that I have learned over the years:
You Are Not Alone. Since you are WPIC certified (you’re not? Hmmm. What are you waiting for?) you have access to over 5000 wedding professionals in your WPIC Alumni Association from all over the world who have been there, and done that. Ask questions, ask for advice. Get together for coffee, or attend a WPIC get together (they always have professional development in mind). Find out what has worked best with your peers in similar situations. Need another assistant at the wedding? Well then you know where to go.
Some of the most caring and compassionate people that I have ever met, are in my WPIC family. Thank you for being there to listen, to offer tips, teach me new ways of doing things, and to show support. It’s an incredible feeling to know that you have my back.
Life doesn’t stand still for anyone. My biggest regret to date, is how much time I missed with my daughter when she was little before she went to school. I was too busy focusing on clients, their weddings, and the growth of WPIC. I can’t go back in time to fix this, but I can certainly make sure that I don’t make the same mistakes again. There is nothing more important to me than my family. Nothing. Everything I do, and every decison that I make, is with them in mind.
As wedding professionals, we are invited to so many different events, grand openings, FAM trips, vendor appreciation nights, dinners and conferences etc. While I consider myself extremely fortunate (believe me, I really do), there has to be a time to stop and think about is this something that I need to go to,or be a part of, instead of just want to? That is why I made the decison to only take on what I can handle. For me, I will only take on 2-3 wedding clients a year. This way my couples are getting the best of me with my time and energy, and in return, I am giving them the best that I can, too.
Stop and Smell the Roses: Take time to just breathe, and take in the beauty all around you. Lilacs are out in full force right now. They are my absolute hands down, favourite smelling flower in the world! I was driving to work last week and literally pulled over, and got out of my car to walk up and smell them on someone’s front lawn. It sounds so cheesy but it put a huge smile on my face.
When is the last time you went to the gym, went to a movie, went for a girls night out, had coffee with a friend, or went on a date night with your better half? If you are just too busy, then maybe it’s time to re-evaluate, and think about your priorities.
Get Better Organizational Systems: There are so many great apps, calendars, programs and sytems to make your life easier. (Remember to keep your receipts, and claim the expenses on your taxes.) They make your work life easier and better for your clients. Need skills in a specific area? There are so many webinars, seminars, self-help books, night classes and online classes available to you. Ask around, or just google it!

Photo from All Things Pretty

Photo from: The Inspired Room
Make Your Office Space Yours: Make your office space yours, by making it visually appealing to you. Buy a new desk, chair, computer or shelving units that suit your style. Get some new file folders, binders, pens. Love that new blinged out tape dispenser and pair of scissors? Get them. When things are organized around you, its proven that you feel more relaxed and calm.
It can be as simple as decluttering. Clean out your office space. I just did this. How much crap can one person have? It’s kind of embarrassing to think of all of the things I had in my drawers and shelves that I thought I needed at the time. (I threw away 3 garbage bags, by the way.) I am amazed at how much more room I have and how much cleaner it looks. I had a row of outdated photos in frames on top of my desk that eerily reminded me of my grandmother’s house. What the hell was I thinking? We have had our office for 5 years, and I haven’t changed them up.
I went to Indigo last week and got so wrapped up in all of the amazing stuff that was available. It took me 2o minutes to decide on a mug and a journal. For real! There are so many choices to make your space your own.
Time Management: This is a biggie. You know all of that time that gets wasted when you start surfing Pinterest and instagram or Facebook? Why not dedicate certain amounts of time to social media, writing blogs, researching vendors, working on client files, etc? You will be amazed at how blocking off time during your day for certain activities helps keep you on track. I am always so surprised when I see how much time I have spent looking at pretty table tops, florals and ideas for weddings when I don’t keep track of it. Ughhh…
I hope you all have a FABULOUS wedding season!
Do you have any tips and tricks that have worked for you over the years? Please share in the comments section below.
Great blog post! I’ve been contemplating this subject a lot – it’s always validating when one of your timely posts come up 🙂
Thanks for the great post! This will definitely help with setting up a new office, and keeping clients and life balanced.
It’s so true, all the point! I’m hugest on good time management and organization. If I don’t have good systems I go nutty!