A compilation post with WPIC Certified Wedding Professionals
Curated by Danielle Andrews, President of The Wedding Planners Institute of Canada Inc.

Wedding Hangover is a very real problem that wedding professionals face. It has nothing to do with alcohol, because a true professional would never drink at the wedding. It is that day-after-the-wedding achy feeling where all of your muscles hurt, your feet are swollen, and you probably have a little headache too.
Most people do not realize just how physically demanding wedding coordination can be, its not all designing, organizing and problem solving. We are hauling items, carrying things, bending, stretching, literally running ourselves ragged, and more than likely we are dehydrated and hungry, making sure that our couple’s wedding is as perfect as could be.
And we feel every bit of it the next day.
We had this discussion in the WPIC Alumni Group a few years ago and one of the planners stated that she has never had Wedding Hangover symptoms because she does yoga for half an hour after the wedding. When I heard that, I thought “No way!” but after a wedding where I put on over 30,000 steps, had to change my outfit because of sweating so much, moving one-hundred pound wooden tables, etc. I knew I was going to be in a lot of pain the next day and I remembered the discussion. So I stretched and exercised at 3am in my hotel room, and you know what? It worked! I felt so great the next morning, I got up and did a 3km hike along the Niagara Escarpment! This got me to wondering what other tips our wonderful wedding professionals had.
I asked our WPIC Alumni what they do to combat the dreaded Wedding Hangover, and here is what they suggested:
I’ve found going to a 6am spinning or HIIT class at my gym helps followed by a session in the essential oil infused steam room helps me getting over “Professional Wedding Hangover”. Please don’t ask me why I choose to torture myself after standing all day at a wedding. But the adrenaline boost I get from either of the classes coupled with the aroma and relaxing sensation from the steam room are usually just the perfect antidotes I need for Professional Wedding Hangover.
Temitope Apara, of Teantona Event Connoisseurs
It really helps to super hydrate the day before the wedding – especially if it is a summer outdoor event. Stretching before and after the wedding is a lifesaver on your muscles and joints. Changing your shoes multiple times during the wedding day will l help you avoid sore/swollen feet.
Cara Cassidy, of Jolie Productions Inc.
Exercise and train on the regular. It’s so important to be physically fit. The first wedding in stage 2 I had, I pulled so many odd little muscles! Lol
Also, constant h20, sunblock, putting breaks into the itinerary, and taking deep breaths/breathing exercises.
Marianne Noh, of Dukes and Daisies
The day after a wedding, I don’t book any meetings, phone calls or chats. I just take a day to rest, spend time with my family and eat a ton of healthy food. If I’m tired, I nap. I just refuel mentally, physically and emotionally so I’m able to give to the rest of my clients! For this reason Monday’s are usually chill days at the Rezek house.
Kirsten Rezek, of Nóbl Events | Planning & Design
When I get home I have 30 mins where I just sit and drink water to try and get rehydrated. Whilst sitting I elevate my feet. I change shoes at least 3 times during the day.
The day after I try to stretch by going for a walk. Keeps the body going.
Vicky Nicholas, of Perfect Planners
As tempting as it is to have that extra cup of coffee at the venue, skip it and hydrate instead. You’ll get home and be able to sleep (once the buzz of finishing another wonderful wedding wears off) and you’ll wake up feeling much more rested. There is nothing worse than feeling physically tired but too keyed up to sleep!
Alisha Chadee, of Whim Event Planning & Design
-[On the day of the wedding] I will go for a run early in the morning the day of to get my blood pumping and body moving.
-I change into cozy clothes at the venue before getting into my car. Always pack the fuzzy sleepers and oversized hoodie!
-I fill a travel cup with ice before leaving as well and drink at least two bottles of water on the drive home
-When I get home I order Indian food and take a long shower while waiting for it to get there. MASSAGE THOSE PIGGIES
And then put Vicks anywhere you can’t feel any more (seriously it’s magic).
-Then spend more time than I’m willing to admit watching true crime documentaries while eating said Indian food
and stretching out my back/hips
-Spend the next day zonking out after a good stretch (if I don’t have another wedding) and eating lots of fruits and veggies. No meetings the day after!
Emilie Butcher, of EarlGreyEvents.com
The day of the wedding I get up and do an extra long stretch (yoga style.) I have a chronic lower back condition which makes it painful to be on my feet for over 10 hours, therefore skipping that stretch is not an option. I bring my comfortable shoes with orthotics to do all the setup and then change into fancier shoes when the wedding begins. Also, I eat a bigger yet balanced breakfast so that I’m not snacking too much throughout the day. And I drink at least two litres of water, because if I feel hydrated my mind and body stay sharp!
When I get home I catch my husband up on the day then do my facial routine. Taking off all that SPF and makeup REALLY makes me feel like I’m cleansing the day away
Paula Holt, of The Memory Vinethen go STRAIGHT to bed, watch a show or listen to some ASMR. I definitely sleep in the next morning and either make brunch or go out for brunch. Then I take the rest of the day to relax, reflect and recharge.
When I get home from the wedding, I find a very hot shower really helps me to destress and relax. I love essential oils and a bit of lavender in a bowl of water by my bedside also helps me to relax and sleep. The next morning I like to reorganize the wedding binder and emergency kits, before spending the day chilling and time with family.
Josie Coccia, of Enchanted Ever After Weddings & Events
Thank you to our wonderful WPIC Certified wedding planners for sharing their tips!
It is fair to say that a planner can help themselves by staying fit, hydrating well, and giving themselves a proper mental and physical day of rest the day after a wedding.
Following the event/wedding; A long soak with some Epsom Salt, Feet massage and yes to the Day after rest day.