by Danielle Andrews Sunkel, WPIC Inc. President
The battle over the Bride’s bouquet is nothing compared to the scuffle over a beautiful centerpiece. If the arrangements are going to go home with guests, it is best to have a have a game of some kind so as to avoid any issues at the end of the night.
Here are some games to suggest to your clients for their Centrepiece Give-Away:
Left & Right Story:
Have the Maid of Honour or another female guest read this
“The youngest person at the table please pick up your spoon. I’m going to read a story out to you, and you’ll have to listen carefully for me to say “left” or “right” and you’ll have to pass the spoon along accordingly. Whoever ends up with the spoon at the end, wins the centrepiece.
This morning, (Bride’s name) LEFT her house and was on her way to (Venue or Church Name) for the wedding. But about half way there, as she turned LEFT, she remembered that she LEFT her wedding dress at home RIGHT by the door! She knew RIGHT away that she had to turn around and go RIGHT back to get her dress. So she turned RIGHT, then LEFT and LEFT again, turning RIGHT into her driveway. Sure enough, there it was, RIGHT where she had LEFT it, RIGHT next to the door.
Finally, she was on the RIGHT track. When she arrived at the (ceremony site), she realized that she only had 1 hour LEFT before the wedding and she still had her hair and make-up LEFT to do. So she went RIGHT to work and finished with time LEFT to spare.
Well the wedding was beautiful-the ceremony was just RIGHT and nothing was LEFT out. Before the ceremony, (Groom) surprised (Bride) with a beautiful gift. She was so happy that she teared RIGHT up!
Off on their honeymoon they LEFT! Of course, it wouldn’t be RIGHT to say where they went.
So, now there’s nothing LEFT to say except enjoy the rest of the evening. Just for fun though, pass once more to the left. Now see, that was fun! Right?
Description Game:
Make a list of descriptions of people, ie: Shortest guest at table, tallest, youngest, most jewellery on, longest hair, etc. Put one description under each centrepiece.
*You can fix this game to make sure the person you want to win, wins. 😉
Birthday Game:
Whomever the person is with the closest birthday to the wedding date wins. You can also use the Anniversary closest to the wedding date.
Examples of Longevity:
The couple who have been married the longest at each table wins.
The Traveller:
Whomever has travelled the farthest distance wins the centrepiece.
Let’s make a Deal:
With a cordless mic, the Wedding MC walks to each table and asks for an obscure item (picture of MIL, a pack of nylons, a mint, an appt card, etc), the first to produce it wins the centrepiece. Make sure it is a different item for each table.
Penny Cups:
Place a penny under one saucer at each table. Be sure to announce this game before the dessert course.
Variation: Put a sticker under one of the plates or chairs at each table.
Hot Potato:
Using a napkin, or shoe or watch; the item is passed around the table until the music stops. The person holding the item when the music stops is out, until only one person is left in the game. This person can win, or for a twist, whomever gave the item to play with wins.
Variation: Play the above game with a set of keys and a shoe. Keys go to the left, shoe to the right. People stuck with the item have to sit down when the music stops until two people are left. These two people are told they need to have a dance off and the Head Table will decide the winner from each table. Have the DJ play the twist, YMCA, Macarena whatever you wish. When the music stops announce the person who had the shoe wins, or the person who donated the shoe wins or the person to the left of the key supplier wins (usually will be a woman).
What game do you suggest to your clients?
Thanks for the tips and ideas.
Excellent info! Thank you!
Thanks for this! Great post!