By Guest Blogger, Ciara Daykin, The Rockstar Wedding Planner
Working as a wedding planner, often means long hours in front of the computer and on the phone. Maybe it’s a little space set up in the kitchen, a spare bedroom, the den, or an actual office space. But when you look away from your computer screen, what do you see?
It’s important for a wedding planner to be surrounded by inspiration. That’s why I wanted to share with you some of the dà©cor I’ve added to my office to boost my inspiration level. When you’re working long hours planning a wedding, trying to come up with ways to attract new brides, or figuring out what to blog about it’s completely necessary for you to have little items around you that remind you why you’re doing the work you’re doing, why it’s important, and encouragement to take leaps forward.
Here are some items in my office that give me inspiration:
“Your venture will be a success”- I love the Seattle airport and there I found this cute little mirror surrounded by glass tiles and framing a small slip of paper that is actually from a fortune cookie and it says “your venture will be a success.” I love to look in that mirror and accept that fortune as my truth.
- Lope De Vega quote- I have a small black print with pink lettering with the quote “What Are You Waiting For?” from Lope de Vega. This always catches my eye when I’m procrastinating or trying to make a decision.
- Success Plaque- My aunt lives in Ireland and years ago when I was starting university she sent me a little plaque with a poem on it about success. This little plaque has followed me across the country and to each of my jobs since university and it always reminds me just what it takes to strive for success.
Audrey Hepburn- I’m a big fan of Audrey Hepburn. I love how classy and stylish she was yet simple and sophisticated. I have two books that profile her life and both have amazing pictures of her on the front cover and I love looking over and being reminded to do each task in my day with an air of class and sophistication, just like Audrey.
Wedding photos- I like to have my own wedding photos in my office. This is what got me
started in this business and fed my love for all things wedding. It’s also a business that’s afforded my husband and I to work together and as a husband and wife working together, well you can imagine, we don’t always agree. So I like to have our wedding photos around to remind us that love has been the basis of our relationship and this business. I also have one of my Gramma and Simon’s with us on our wedding day. They’ve both since passed and I like to be reminded of our guardian angels who I can always talk to during my day.
- Butterflies– As a kid I was really shy and not very popular (actually I was bullied quite badly). I didn’t like to stand out or take risks. But I’ve grown a lot since then. My aunt in Toronto compares it to a butterfly that’s come out of a cocoon. That I had to go through those trials to be the beautiful butterfly I am today.
- My University Degree– Well it cost me a lot of money that little piece of paper, but I sure am proud of it. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Culture with a Major in Leisure and Tourism from the University of Calgary (it’s the same major as Van Wilder my husband always jokes). But it’s where I got my start in events and have a lot of great memories. I love learning and always continue to do so.
Thank you card– It’s always nice to see these around me because I love to reminisce about past clients and how much fun it was to work with them. I also love seeing their words of gratitude because it fuels my energy to work on the next wedding.
- Hilarious pictures and sayings– I love a good laugh. If you meet me in person you’ll get to know that I love a good joke and have an infectious laugh. So I have a pin board with pictures of nuns jumping in the waves, a big dog eating a wedding cake while the couple is outside getting married, and pictures of Simon and I being silly in a photo booth. Life is short and sometimes you just need a good laugh.
- Feng Shui– My good friend Katie Weber of Red Lotus Letter turned me onto Feng Shui and I’ve organized my office (and my entire house actually) based on the principles I’ve learned from her and I’ve noticed a big difference.
So what’s in your office?
Ciara’s Rockstar Wedding Planner Advice
Even if you don’t have your own dedicated office you can still surround yourself with inspiration. Fun candles, picture frames, momentos from your travels. It’s important to constantly be inspired. Sometimes being a wedding planner can be lonely and that can get you down. By surrounding yourself with beauty and items filled with wonderful memories you surround yourself with fantastic energy. That fantastic energy changes the way you work and the type of clients you attract. Try making your office more inspirational and see what happens. Leave a comment below and tell me what inspires you in your office!
Being a wedding planner is a critical work to do. The success of the event is entirely in your hands. Good thing that you managed to get some inspiration. It really helps a lot.
Did it come into your mind even once that you were envy to the couples that ask your service? Just curious…