Increasingly, instead of just going somewhere lovely and hot, Destination Wedding couples are choosing locations that are near and dear to their hearts. They love these locations and of course the culture and the people, so they are trying to help the area of their nuptials through Voluntouring.
Voluntouring combines the love of travel with giving back to the place you are touring. You can contact a charity that is working locally and help them out for a day or two, or there are many tourism companies that have voluntouring programs. You can choose to help with a building project, set up games for at-risk kids, help farm, clean-up projects, you name it people can use your help. Some resorts have voluntouring programs, like the Sandals Resorts’ “Sandals Foundation“, where you can visit local schools and read to the children to help encourage literacy, or the Palace Resorts “Palace Foundation” eco-tourism and save the sea turtle programs.
Not only will the wedding party and guests get to see the real culture and people of that country, but they will also get the great feeling and memories from the experience, that will last a lifetime.
Love this idea! This is fantastic!!!