Great items searched for 'high and low', by: Tracey Manailescu 🙂
Chocolate Stamps (La Poste, France) Now who could refuse something as sweet as this?
5,60 E per bar (or booklet of 10)
On May 25,2009 post offices in France started selling stamps that smell like chocolate bars!!! The stamps come in a booklet of 10 stamps. Yes, they really are shaped like a chocolate bar. Each square has a different design on it. This takes "scratch and sniff" to a whole new level!
Read the Blog on "O Gourmet" for more (*This is a great newsletter with recipes from Top Chefs and Canadian Events year round. Sign up, it is free!).
If you have been to a tented wedding recently, than chances are you have seen these! What a way to add "POP" to the decor!
POM LOVE on Etsy
These are such a cute way to make your theme more dominant. Sweet touches. "Timeless Paper" have dragonflies, butterflies, peacock, maple leaf etc.
Do you want to step away from the tradional bouquet? Here is an idea from "Princess Lasertron":
Check out these beautiful Bridal Shower Inspiration Set ups from "Hostess with the Mostess"
"Bling Bride" "Modern Moroccan"
"Natural Bride"
And for the Grande Finale... These babies are going to change the way we look at Wedding Cupcakes! (Thank you Danielle!)
For Destination Weddings:
For Bridal Showers:
These wonderful Cupcake Holders can be found at Dessert Decor.
How I LOVE those cupcake holders. So cute and a very nice touch.
Some great ideas that I will keep in mind. Loving the cupcake holders, makes them have that extra special look to them