One wouldn’t think that a simple number in a year could affect the amount of weddings to be expected in 2013 – but there have been reports of nuptials being postponed for another year just because of the unlucky ’13’.
To top it all off, there is actually a name for this 13 phobia: triskaidekaphobia. The number 13 superstition has definitely had an effect on society thus far – most planes have no 13th row, hotels are designed to not include a 13th floor, and airports very rarely include a 13th Gate. If we, as a society, have let this number dictate these aspects of our lives, will couples ignore the superstition for their special day? In preparation for the possible decrease in weddings for 2013, there are some venues who have decided to decrease their prices in order to attract the budget-wary couple.
On the other hand, there are some people and cultures who view the number 13 as lucky, and symbolising ultimate spiritual completion or even the height of power. In celebrities, there are some who proudly sport 13 as their lucky number in the industry and in their lives (Taylor Swift as an example).
One of the main beliefs for 2013’s bad luck superstition stems from the results of the Mayan’s prediction of the world ending in 2012… Well, we lived through that prediction; shouldn’t 2013 be about celebration and viewed as lucky?! What more reason should you need to have your wedding day in this year – you might just luck out more than most couples.
yay im going for it no matter what.