Each week we will be sharing a look into our amazing WPIC instructors’ lives, so you can get to know them better.
This week to start things off, we are introducing WPIC Instructor, Daniela Caputo, Wedding Professional (a.k.a. Eventista) of Montreal Event Planner

When it comes to Wedding Planning, Daniela Caputo from Montreal Event Planner is your go-to source for all the expertise you need.
This is thanks not only to a stellar track record, but also to the expertise and professionalism of its owner… she is dubbed as a “DREAMWEAVER planner”
- Mission: “Bring together top suppliers and talent that highlight the very best in her clients’ weddings.”
- Motto: “Why not be a guest at your own event? Relax – we will take care of everything for you!”
- Favourite Moments: “When it all comes together and my clients’ faces light up.”

- How long have you worked at WPIC inc? 6 ½ years
- What void do you fill in the industry, or what is your specialty? Integrity – no nonsense
- What has been your biggest challenge in the wedding industry thus far? None really – I LOVE LOVE LOVE helping and pleasing
- What has been your biggest accomplishment? Being able to keep quite a local celebrity wedding (even from my Hubby) – I’m telling you it was NOT EASY and still is not
- Tell us a funny story about one of your weddings I can’t think of one yet – to be determined 😝

- Tell us about a difficult situation at a wedding that you overcame. Organizing a Wedding’s entrance with only young children – it was their parents I needed to keep inline
- What do you wish that you did differently when starting out? Actually nothing. I am not who I am today if I didn’t do what I did at the start. Lessons learned HELPED me tons
- How do you want to be remembered in the wedding industry after you retire? Integrity – Honest -DreamWeaver
- What were you planning to do as a career before getting into the wedding industry? I was in the corporate world happily minding my own business and BOOM the world of planning came knocking and haven’t looked back
- How did you get into the wedding industry? Total accident – started with Corporate planning; one day a client asked is I planned weddings and voila!

- Advice for those just starting out. Shadow a Wedding Planner(s) – do tons of Volunteering/Interning see what part you REALLY REALLY like and go for it
- Advice for those struggling to get business. BELIEVE it will happen (I know it’s cliché) but it is the TRUTH + seek advice or a mentor
- Advice for those who are feeling industry burnout or stress from COVID-19 in their business. If that is the case then either slow down or hire help (true it’s less money) but your health is MUCH more important…
- Best business tip. PERSISTENCE + be OPEN-MINDED then decide if it is good for YOU
- Something that took your business to the next level. Not being afraid to take risks &/or GRAB opportunities even if it doesn’t look like much – you never know
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