This month’s WPIC “Planner of the Month” is Laura Scott of Tula Events. We chose Laura because not only is she a wonderful wedding planner, but she is always willing to lend a hand, and offer really great advice. She is always willing to share tips, give suggestions and always does so in a professional manner. Thank you for being so wonderful, Laura!
Name of your company and why did you choose that name? Clients and vendors ask me all the time where I came up with the name Tula Events. When I started my business it was really hard coming up with a name that I loved. I wanted something that was a reflection of me but nothing too trendy. I love tulips, as they were always the first flower to pop up in my Mom’s garden in the spring. They remained my favourite flower over the years so I decided to incorporate tulips into my company name by combining it with my first name; “tu” for tulip and “la” for Laura ~ which gave me Tula Events!
Opened company in what year? Tula Events opened in 2005 when I was working for a restaurant putting together their catering division. Once I got certified with WPIC in 2009 my focus shifted to wedding planning.
WPIC since? I was certified in 2009 in Edmonton Alberta, as I was living in beautiful Calgary at the time. Best decision I ever made!
Favourite part of the planning process? I love putting together inspiration boards for my clients and coming up with unique ideas that represent them as a couple but also as individuals. Starting the inspiration board really does make the whole process exciting for my clients and for me. Its my favourite part of the planning process because its the whole foundation of the wedding.
Please tell us some things you have learned over the years that have helped you grow? I would say networking is what has helped me grow over the years. I have grown because of the relationships that I have made with amazing vendors around the Greater Toronto Area. I have had caterers refer me to clients, I’ve been hired by vendors in the industry to plan/coordinate their own weddings and I’ve had vendors refer me to their friends who are getting married as well. What I have learned over the years is that when I network with vendors its important to focus on their business and ask them questions about how I can help them grow. I think that is why a lot of my clients come from vendor referrals and why vendors become such great friends of mine.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Over the past 8 years I’ve lived in Toronto, San Francisco, Calgary and back again to Toronto. I would love to say that in 5 years I hope to still be doing weddings here but I just don’t know where my husband’s job will take us; which is exciting and scary all at the same time! I do however know that I will take on more Full Wedding Planning clients, as my son is heading off to junior kindergarten this fall. I have also expanded to Muskoka, as my family now has a cottage in the beautiful region and I have established some new relationships with outstanding vendors in the area. So my hope is to plan and coordinate more stunning Muskoka weddings in the future.
Thank you for the opportunity WPIC!
Congrats and beautiful work!!
Congrats Laura