by Danielle Andrews Sunkel
There are several things a Wedding Professional needs to do in order to build and maintain a successful business, Blogging is one of them.
Here are the Top 5 Reasons a Wedding Professional should Blog:
1. Engage with the engaged- Engaged couples are huge consumers of information and their main source of information comes from the internet. They are looking for information, inspiration and insight. Your website won’t provide all that, but your blog can.
2. Free Advertising– If you write something of interest, or promote another business in your Blog, chances are people will share your post through Social Media. That is free advertising for you.
3. You can showcase your experience- Couples want to see what other couples have done for their wedding. When you showcase weddings you have worked on and the couple falls in love with the element you created, they are more likely to hire you.
4. You can showcase your expertise- Blogging about seminars and conferences you have attended shows that you are constantly improving yourself and that you have the most up-to-date information. Blogging about current trends and topics of interest shows the couple that you are the best professional to be hired.
5. It increases your website’s SEO- In order to be found quickly in the search engines, you need to have a content-rich, constantly updated website. The best way to achieve this is by Blogging 1-2 times per week.
There is no doubt about it, Blogging can help your business, but if you don’t stay on top of it, it can hurt your business. Having a Blog that sits for months without being updated shows that you are either too busy, too lazy or have problems completing tasks, and none of those traits are what people want in a wedding professional.
I’ve been blogging for 5 years now and I now constantly reach the top local search results for Calgary marketing. I agree wholeheartedly that you need to administer your own blog and stay with it. Try to post minimum weekly if you can. Kersten