by Danielle Andrews, Co-Founder WPIC Inc.
I wish I could say I found this great resource for entrepreneurs, but it was one of our awesome WPICers, Sarah E. Lindsay of House of Proper, that shared it with all of us at WPICAlumni.
I absolutely love the concept of this free service; anonymous users view your website and record their thoughts when visiting your site for the first time. It’s like sending in a mystery shopper, you are getting a completely unbiased, uncensored opinion from someone viewing your website. They offer suggestions on how you could make the user-experience better, any frustrations they had and what they like about your site.
Check it out at Peek!
It can actually be shocking to hear someone completely unbiased review your site, I know it from experience 🙂
Which tool do you refer to concretely though? I don’t see any link to the service. What I used was
Thank you Dan! So good you caught that. Added now.