It has come to our attention that recently a few Wedding Vendors have been experiencing threatening situations when meeting with new "clients" and/or "vendors".
The nature of our business is that often we are meeting clients after regular business-hours and in their homes, or our homes. We ask that you exercise extreme caution when meeting with new vendors or clients.
Some safety tips:
- Always have someone with you, (as your assistant) I'm sure newly graduated WPICers would love to accompany you on an Intial Meeting to gain experience and see how its done. They can take notes for you and its valuable experience for them.
- Don't be lulled in to a false sense of security if they state they are from the same organization as you, or are a friend of so & so vendor.
- Do not publish your address on business materials if you work from home.
- Do not go to new client or vendor's homes or have them in to your home or office if you will be alone.
- Meet in a public place, such as a coffee house, and make sure someone knows the address and time of where you are meeting.
- Always have your cell phone with you and make sure it is fully charged
- Always trust your instincts! If the client has raised any red flags for you or gives you a bad feeling, do not proceed with them.
Stay safe!
Some good tips. Thanks.