Our next in-person Wedding and Event Designer Certification course will be November 19th and 20th, 2022 in Toronto, ON.
Register now!

The course is made up of Lecture Theory, Industry Speakers, Hands-on Practicum (in-person class), Home-study and an At-Home Project. A Course Textbook will be provided, but it is designed to be enhanced by the Student’s own note-taking. Therefore, the textbook and instruction helpfulness is determined by the student them self.
In-class Course:
2 Days of In-class Instruction + 1 month Home Study + Practical Exam/Project = Certification
On-line Course:
21 webinars + Home Study + Online test + Practical Exam/Project = Certification
We have two options to take the “Wedding and Event Designer Certification Course.”
One is in-person and the other is online.
The in-class course is fast paced and jam-packed full of information. Students will spend 22 hours in class, complete hands-on training in design and sketching, and follow it with one month of home study of Home Study and a practical wedding design project (from proposal to design board to execution and set-up) must be created and submitted.
The online course is comprised of lectures via 21 webinars and the course text book. The online version is completely at your own pace within a 3 month time frame. All webinars, a test, and a practical wedding design project (from proposal to design board to execution and set-up) must be created and submitted.
Total course time: 120-150 hours Education hours: 25, Practical Hours: 90-125
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