By guest blogger: Pro Flowers
We were approached by Ashley Thompson of Pro Flowers to view the blog, and we were smitten. Such a creative blog and of course, we had to share it!
25 Creative Marriage Proposals
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Proving it must have been love at first sight, this man saved every text message he and his girlfriend sent to each other for three years. He used those messages to create a path telling the story of their love and leading straight to him. In the end, she filled in the last message by writing “yes” on the sidewalk.
For the puzzle-lover in his life, he spent months concocting a special creation in The Washington Post. As she neared the end of the crossword, the clue to 51-across – words with a special ring to it – revealed the final answer. No way Sudoko can match that.
Elaborately planned, this boyfriend made sure every minute detail was set up perfectly. He sent his girlfriend all over the city before finally ending the hunt where they first met. Her incredible birthday only got better when he proposed in front of the romantic backdrop of a Texas sunset.
4. The Fake Movie Scene
This romantic filmmaker solicits his girlfriend’s help for “a scene” in his short film. She’s a good sport who agrees to be blindfolded while dancing with her onscreen partner. The surprise comes when he announces his love at the end of the dance, and she takes off the blindfold to see her boyfriend on bended knee.
5. Painted Signs
This potential groom recruited a trio of artistic friends for a proposal that paints a picture of a future life filled with joy and color. Who could say no to that? While on what she thought was a normal, albeit romantic, date to a painting party, she was delightfully surprised to realize his true intentions. Nothing compares to the oohs and ahs of the crowd to create a moment she’ll never forget.
Romance, action, adventure and a small popcorn. This guy gave it his creative all when it came to asking the question. The movie trailer builds suspense as he asks for her father’s blessing and rushes to the theater, before appearing in real life to the complete surprise of his girlfriend.
7. Falling Off a Building
Why be tender when you can be terrifying? When her boyfriend falls off a building mid-proposal, this young woman goes from surprised, to horrified, to relieved, all in the span of about three seconds.
8. Peter Pan Sweeps Wendy Off Her Feet
To love would be a great adventure. He is an actor who used to play Peter Pan on stage, and she is a costume designer; neither of them ever really grew up. He put away the thimble and asked for a real kiss, and to spend his life with her. “Wendy,” couldn’t have been happier.
9. The Super Mario Wall
For the gamer in his life, this man decorated a special, and pretty awesome, room to look like a level in Super Mario. He even goes so far as to place the ring on top of a Question Block normally reserved for mushrooms and extra lives. When she hits the block, the ring falls perfectly to his hands so that he can proceed with the real question.
10. The Disneyland Musical
There are many women out there who don’t like the idea of being proposed to in front of a large crowd. Happily, this woman didn’t seem to mind that a dozen performers choreographed her intimate moment into a song and dance number in the middle of Disneyland’s Main Street.
11. The Scuba Divers
It always helps to have a little assistance when executing a memorable marriage proposal. Judging by her expression, this trip to the aquarium exceeded her expectations. It took a couple of seconds for her to comprehend the message on the sign, but she was all smiles when she did.
12. Spiderman to the Rescue
This would-be hero hired a couple of actors to set the scene by stealing his girlfriend’s gigantic stuffed bear. Then, as he often does, Spiderman came to her rescue. Little did she know that her savior was actually her boyfriend in disguise. After taking care of the street toughs, he proposed to her and she said yes to the cheers of the crowd.
13. The Girl Asks the Guy
In a reversal of traditional roles, the girl initiated this proposal in a romantic effort to relieve her boyfriend’s stress of coming up with a unique plan. She organized their friends to recreate memorable moments from their dating lives, and it worked beautifully. He was surprised, and, after being asked by her, still got to ask the question himself in the end.
14. Army Pushup
Few things say “I’ll take care of you forever” like the manly display of seven guys doing push-ups. Now this young Private has two things to celebrate: graduation and engagement.
15. Game Night
Hand-drawn clues can be so hard to guess! A quiet game night with friends turned into the most memorable moment of her life when her boyfriend revealed the final phrase of this Pictionary proposal.
16. Tri-Surprise
It was one surprise after another for her. After setting up a surprise birthday party, he orchestrated a fake newscast highlighting “trick gifts,” which showed video of her receiving a new car from her boyfriend last Christmas. Surprise! She had unwittingly been carrying around the engagement ring for months.
17. Breath Mints Turn Into a Ring
This unique proposal required the assistance of a street performer in Las Vegas. Using a roll of mints, a silver wire and sleight of hand, the magician presented her ring with a romantic flourish.
18. The Light-Up Office Building
Forget the office supplies, this guy used an entire office building to help him propose with a light show that spelled out, “Lisa, will you marry me?” After she said yes, the show continued with fireworks and a heart.
19. Faking an Injury
When this nurse unwraps her boyfriend’s “injured” hand, she instead discovers that he is holding an engagement ring. At least this explains why his friend is videotapingvideo taping[BH1] a visit to the Emergency Room.
20. Faking an Injury, Part Two: Soccer Style
Faking injuries really seem to be the popular way to propose. And who better to fake an injury than a soccer player? After seeing him writhing in pain with a “knee injury,” his girlfriend finally discovers the real reason he his down on one knee. Though a few of the players wondered aloud why someone would take pictures of an injury, in the end they enjoyed the surprise too.
21. The Mid-Performance Serenade
This trumpet player with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Varsity Band proves that there is still creativity in the classics. During a swinging rendition of Bruce Channel’s “Hey Baby,” he runs up to his girlfriend in the stands to ask the most important question of her life: “Will you be my girl?”
This proposal offers an impressive display of love and athleticism. While the two are tandem wakeboarding, he manages to get down on one knee and propose to her. The two then dive into the water in celebration, and he gives her the ring once back on the boat.
23. Under the Sea
When it comes time to propose this man dives right in. We get her point of view as he unrolls the big question written on a marker buoy, with the ring attached to the end. In the spirit of true love, they sacrifice oxygen for a kiss.
24. The Boy Band Parody Proposal
It doesn’t get more creative than writing a song and making a music video especially for her. Surrounded by family and friends, his song is an homage to their love and to the boy bands she was so fond of growing up.
25. Siri Proposes For Him
Unfortunately, this link no longer exists. Since the title is 25, we have left it in.
Creative Proposals are the Most Personal
The most important thing to remember is, creativity does not mean going over the top or spending a lot of money. It means devising something special for both of you to ensure an everlasting memory.
What a very creative way for a marriage proposals. This helps a lot for the guys out there. Sigh! When will gonna be mine. Actually, I was browsing for some unique proposals and I also bumped with this article, I know when it comes to marriage proposal the most extraordinary the sweeter. so which no. in the list is the best?