by Danielle Andrews Sunkel
Many venues are now employing On-site Venue Coordinators. Unfortunately they are advertising this person’s role as that of “Wedding Coordinator” and convincing couples there is no need for an Independent Wedding Coordinator. The Independent Wedding Planner / Coordinator and the on-site Venue Wedding Coordinator have distinctly different roles. This does not mean that they can’t complement one another. In fact, the Independent Wedding Coordinator and the On-site Venue Coordinator can make each other’s job a lot easier.
"The Independent Wedding Coordinator and the On-site Venue Coordinator can make each other’s job a lot easier."
Independent Wedding Coordinator/Planner
The Independent Wedding Coordinator’s primary focus and responsibility is the Bride and Groom. They work closely with the couple, building both a personal and professional relationship right from the beginning of their engagement. From selecting vendors and venues, budget management, theme development and dà©cor, managing and seeing to the finest details and supervising the event itself, a Wedding Coordinator is involved in every step of the Wedding. They keep everyone organized by setting up a clear plan for the event and following up to make sure everything flows well.
A Wedding Coordinator will plan the details and be present at the Wedding to direct the Ceremony and Reception and make sure all goes well according to said plans. On the wedding day, the Wedding Coordinator will be with the couple from before the ceremony until the end of the reception.
On-site Venue Wedding Coordinator
The On-site Venue Wedding Coordinator’s primary focus and responsibility is the Venue. The relationship of the Venue Coordinator and the couple remains a professional one.
Clients of the Venue will often first meet with a Sales Team to book their date and Wedding Package. An on-site Wedding Coordinator will then be assigned to the couple. Ideally this is the person who the couple will deal with up to and including the day of their wedding, but this is not guaranteed.
The on-site Wedding Coordinator will often also serve in the role of Wedding Consultant and should be well informed of wedding etiquette, traditions and execution of the day. Many times the on-site Wedding Coordinator will suggest vendors he or she has worked with in the past.
The Venue Coordinator will assist in the creation of a timeline for the Wedding in regards to the venue’s roles and responsibilities. If the ceremony is also taking place on-site the venue coordinator will usually run the rehearsal for the wedding and direct the ceremony on the Wedding Day.
The Venue Coordinator is usually on-site on the Wedding Day and generally leaves before dinner turning over the evening to the Banquet Manager.
"The key to working together is mutual respect and understanding each other’s role on the Wedding Day."
Working Together
When there is both a Wedding Planner and an on-site Wedding Coordinator working on the same wedding, both people’s jobs should in fact be easier than usual.
The Independent Coordinator will reduce the number of questions and panicked, demanding calls the Venue will receive and on the Wedding Day they will handle all direction of ceremonies and vendors, and will keep their emotional couples reigned in. Rather than having two or more points of contact, there will only be one who is a calm, professional, industry expert.
The Venue Coordinator offers an in-depth knowledge of the venue, staff, layout and food options that the Wedding Planner will not be privy to. They already know what has and hasn’t worked before, will know all the policies that need to be adhered to and are the key source of information for the venue.
The key to working together is mutual respect and understanding each other’s role on the Wedding Day. The independently hired Wedding Coordinator will be handling all the details of every aspect of the wedding; the On-site Coordinator will be handling all aspects of the venue.
Great article! Will share this on my Facebook Fan Page. Thanks!
This is a great article. It’s so frustrating when I try to explain these things to my consulting clients and they say the venue-coordinator said I’m not needed or they have a friend who works at so and so place who said they don’t need an independent person there as long as there is an on-site coordinator. I don’t mind if they don’t have me there; I just want them to have someone who is a point person with their best interests at heart.