by Danielle Andrews Sunkel
When you own your own business, time truly is money. Everything carries an “Opportunity Cost” (the benefit/value are you giving up or missing out on by performing the task at hand.) Increasing your productivity increases your bottom line, by freeing your time to improve your business or quality of life.
Here are 5 ways to increase your productivity:
- Unsubscribe from Junk Email. Important messages can get lost amongst the plethora of junk emails you have clogging up your Inbox. For the next month, unsubscribe from every junk or advertising email you receive.
- Clear your Clutter. A cluttered workspace can make you feel overwhelmed and leave you stagnant and unproductive. Clear the clutter to clear your mind so you are better able to focus and be more productive.
- Make a List Every Day. Each morning before you sit down to work make a list of all that you intend to accomplish or need to do. Sometimes, all those tasks can overwhelm you into not being able to do anything. A list will help you focus, keep you on task and remind you what you need to do next. Personally, I am the “Queen of Post-Its,” there are always lists on Post-its stuck around my desk.
- Kill Three Birds with One Stone. Make every trip count by stacking appointments. If you have a meeting with clients and another wedding professional, book a couple more meetings in that same geographical area or with that same couple and other professionals. Need to run an errand, what else can you do on this trip? Bring your iPad and read a business book while you get your oil changed, answer client emails while getting your highlights done. Never waste your precious time.
- Work Out. It has been proven time and again that physical exercise can improve productivity by keeping you more alert, focussed and energized. Regular exercise also reduces stress, curbs anxiety and improves immunity. Just like vehicles need to be tuned for peak productivity, so do people 😉
Great advice! Thank you for sharing! Very appropriate for me right now 🙂
Wonderful, thanks Jennifer!
really needed to hear this today too! I have realized many of my ideas come to me when I am out running errands – stopping in to check on the new line by Club Monaco for instance leads to all sorts of ideas and inspirations.
As always… wonderful to be here on WPIC…
Us too Janet! Tracey and I always end up having a brainstorming session while driving or flying to meetings.
This was definately a reminder that I needed. Thanks. Also, I have found that it is important to take a few minutes everyday just for you. Even if all you do is sit and watch the sunset or play your favorite game on the computer. Sometimes we get so involved in work that we forget to relax for a few minutes each day. That few minutes can revitalize you so you can focus more on your business.
EventLux Design & Management
Thank you Lanora, that is a great tip.
I am fantastic at using every useable moment during the day and I have to-do lists on my phone with reminders to help keep me on track. However I am horrible at taking time for me/exercise. Great reminder to keep me healthy too and not just the kids/hubby! Thanks WPIC!