I’m sure that you have heard the old saying, “Treat people the way that you want to be treated.” While that is a wonderful personal ethic to follow, we must extend the same kindness to ourselves.
Did you know that people will treat you the way that you treat yourself? If you are not showing respect for yourself, others might follow your lead.
The way you present yourself, what you think of yourself, who you are as an individual is all in your control.
Robert Hovey
We teach others how to treat us whether by what we allow, or how we present ourselves. Never, ever let someone dull your sparkle.

As wedding planners, we are naturally people-pleasers and with that, we usually have an innate propensity to try and make people happy or keep the peace, but that does not mean you should accept any less respect than you deserve. One time is too many. If you let a wayward comment or a disrespectful act even once, it will happen again. Set a tone of professionalism and respect with your clients, and maintain it at all times. Many planners even add anti-harassment and code of conduct clauses to their contracts.
What you will and will not tolerate, and ultimately how you are treated, starts with how you treat and speak to yourself. Your self-worth and confidence show in everything you do and say. The moment you start treating and speaking to yourself better, you see a change in how others see and treat you. I have shared a few articles about self-care and building self-confidence, so be sure to read those as well.

by Danielle Andrews, President & Co-founder of The Wedding Planners Institute of Canada Inc.
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