By: Tracey Manailescu
Good days and bad days. We all have them. Some days you feel that you have arrived and are on top of the wedding world, and others you feel like a little fish in a big pond. Am I right?
Here are some signs that you are doing some great things and that your business is headed in the right direction:

The Goals/Hopes/Dreams that you Have for Your Business Inspire You You are focused, determined, and know what you bring to the table. You are looking forward to what the next wedding season will bring. #hustleandheartwillsetyouapart
You Truly Enjoy Working With the Clients That You Have You click. They are comfortable with you, and you are comfortable with them. This also means that they see the value in your services, they respect your suggestions and advice. This also means that they are on the same page as you for the type of weddings you want to be working.
Your Progress Is Showing The dreams and goals that you have for your business are really happening! You have set up realistic tasks or goals on a calendar so you can easily track and trace them. The next time when you are feeling like your business isn’t growing at the rate that you wanted, you can look back over the past year, and can see what you have accomplished thus far. Examples would be increasing your social media followers, having a real wedding or a styled shoot published on a blog or in a magazine, having an article published, speaking at a local event or wedding show, taking a business course, attending a wedding conference, meeting new wedding pros in your area, booking a new client, re-branding your business, getting a new website, etc.
It can be six weeks or six months but you have set those goals!
Your Policies and Contracts are Clear and Concise You are upfront and honest on your website and contracts. You have your hours of operation listed. You describe exactly what they will be getting, and what you will be doing for them with each different service that you offer.
Your service options are concise and detailed. This will help avoid decision overwhelm. Example: Month Of Wedding Management, Partial Planning, Full Planning, Full Planning & Design, and Destination Wedding Planning.
You Actually Have a Work/Life Balance
Work–life balance is the lack of opposition between work and other life roles. … Work–life balance is a term commonly used to describe the balance that a working individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of life.
You are comfortable and happy with the workload that you have, and are attracting. Your pricing is sustainable and industry comparable. (Of course, you are always looking at how to better yourself and your business through courses, conferences and social media presence to attract your ideal couple for the future). Your family and friends know that wedding season is your busy time, but you still manage to get in date night, friends nights and you take time for you (whether its the gym, a run, and of course, eating healthy.)
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