By Tracey Manailescu, WPIC Co-founder
No one starts off as an expert. However, there are some things that you can, and should know before diving into the world of planning and coordinating weddings. Let’s have a look at some of the mistakes that new wedding planners make so that you can avoid them.
No Education (WEDucation!)
If you are not willing to invest in yourself and your business, then why should anyone else? There are so many courses, conferences, seminars and coaches out there. There really is no excuse. While you are at it, get certified. The Wedding Planners Institute of Canada has over 9000 graduates in 32 different countries around the world.
Thinking That Once You are Certified That You are Done Learning
The wedding industry is constantly evolving and reinventing itself. That’s why we are on our 15th edition of the textbook in 19 years! We are constantly attending conferences, listening to webinars, attending events and upgrading our skills. Our students and couples also teach us new things all of the time. #neverstoplearning
Not Sharing Your Passion and Vision
Couples aren’t going to hire you because of what you do. They will hire you because of why you do it and what you can do for them. Share your reasons for getting into the wedding industry, and what you do differently. Share how you have problem solved, share testimonials from happy clients, show behind the scenes videos, reels, and photos and client wins. Let your couples know why you do what you do and why you love this industry so much!
Expecting Fast Results With Little to No Effort
That is wonderful that you took courses, got certified and registered your business. You’ve paid for a website, business cards and are working on your social media. Now you need to build and foster relationships with those in the business. Source what is on trend and popular in your area. Look at your pricing. Is it competitive and on par with your area? Get hands-on experience. Nothing prepares you for the real world like job shadowing and learning from professionals that have come before you. We have job boards within the WPIC Alumni Association for all of our members and the opportunities are endless.
This is a tough business, but it is also very rewarding. That’s why we are voted #5 on the most difficult jobs on the planet year after year.
Not Learning From Your Mistakes
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~ Albert Einstein
“Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero
“If you aren’t making any mistakes, you aren’t innovating. If you’re making the same mistakes, you aren’t learning.” ~ Rick Warren
There will be challenges with every wedding that you work on. It’s how you fix the problem and de-escalate the challenge before it gets out of hand. Then make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Not Showing What You Offer and the Value That Clients Will Receive From It
You need to show potential clients and other wedding pros what you offer and what it’s like to work with you. Offer tons of value. Give away tips and your secrets (not all of them). Build trust and relationships. Keep your audience coming back for more.
Takeaways from this are to never stop learning and bettering yourself. Figure out how you can improve your services, branding, marketing and networking skills. Always be a work in progress.
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