How many of you have looked at your phone and said, “I don’t know what to post”? Sometimes coming up with content for Social Media for your wedding business can feel overwhelming. Truly it doesn’t need to be.
It all comes down to a simple formula: Say it. Do it. Show it. Prove it.
Here are 7 Social Media post ideas for wedding planners:
Day 1: Introduce yourself
Make sure that you have a fabulous working photo, or Branded Image of yourself and then introduce yourself to your audience with 3-5 get-to-know-you facts.
Day 2: Something to educate your followers
Post some wedding etiquette or a special wedding day tip. This establishes your expertise and shows your value to potential clients.
Day 3: Behind the scenes
Post something from working at a wedding or a day in the #lifeofawpicweddingplanner. People LOVE to see behind the scenes and a planner in action.
Day 4: Provide the solution to problem you get asked about
Think about something you get asked about all the time, if its something you readily answer, post about it.

Day 5: Post something inspiring
Or talk about where you get your inspiration.
Day 6: Your knowledge
Prove your knowledge by talking about your education and the wedding courses or conferences that you’ve attended.
Day 7: Share how you provide value to your clients
Let your potential clients know how you will make their life better.

by Danielle Andrews, President of The Wedding Planners Institute of Canada Inc.
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